Questions to Ask a Potential Fulfillment Partner #15

Can you provide three or more references?

Can the fulfillment company provide you with references of satisfied customers? This is a vital step when you are in the process of choosing a fulfillment company. If they are an accomplished company, they should be able to provide you with the names of at least two or three customers who, when you contact them, will simply rave about their service.

If a company cannot easily supply two to three references then pass immediately.

Can you provide three or more references?

Can the fulfillment company provide you with references of satisfied customers? This is a vital step when you are in the process of choosing a fulfillment company. If they are an accomplished company, they should be able to provide you with the names of at least two or three customers who, when you contact them, will simply rave about their service.

If a company cannot easily supply two to three references then pass immediately.


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Your eCommerce business has big potential– we know how to fulfill it. Talk to our team today.

  • 77% of U.S. respondents stated that they would absolutely give repeat business to a retailer who resends lost or damaged items with fast shipping.

  • We guarantee to fulfill orders 100% accurately within 1 business day, every time. We always keep it flawless so your growth is endless.