Precise Fulfillment & Shipping + Passionate Professionalism

Learn how to ensure customer satisfaction with the Rakuten Super Logistics Secret Formula for Happy CustomersA happy customer is a win-win for every business. As business and competition in the e-Commerce realm increases, eTailers committed to customer satisfaction will stand a greater chance of being rewarded with success. Happy customers become brand evangelists, who provide free advertising and marketing via word-of-mouth reviews both on- and off-line. In addition, going above and beyond a customer’s expectations is one of the best ways to maximize profits with increased average order volume and repeat business. No matter how you look at it – the best thing for your business is to ensure customer satisfaction.Rakuten Super Logistics, formerly Webgistix, has put together a simple visual tool that underscores the importance of shipping and fulfillment when it comes to customer satisfaction. Here are five easy steps to ensure customer satisfaction:Step 1: Pick and Pack Orders CorrectlyFrom an eTailer’s point of view, shipping and fulfillment may logically be the last thing on their mind. To be fair, by the time a customer gets to the checkout cart the eTailer has already successfully sourced, priced, promoted and merchandised his product offering in a manner that motivated the customer to choose his store from hundreds, if not thousands, of businesses. While fulfillment and shipping logistics may seem like the easy part, one mistake can destroy the benefits of all your hard work. When it comes to order accuracy, most online shoppers leave zero margin for error. In fact, studies have shown that 29% of e-Consumers will never buy from an eCommerce merchant again if they receive an incorrect order.Step 2: Provide Fast DeliveryWhile there has been much commentary about our culture of impatience and the seemingly all-consuming need for instant gratification – most shoppers are used to making purchases in-person and walking out the door with their new merchandise. The best way for online merchants to compete with immediate delivery offered by brick and mortar stores is to provide fast delivery options, like overnight or 2-Day ground shipping.There is a direct correlation between shipping costs and the amount of time a consumer is willing to wait. Research has shown that 82% of consumers have abandoned an eCommerce shopping cart because, in their opinion, the time they were required to wait was too long for the price they were asked to pay. The lower the costs, the longer a consumer will be willing to wait. However, even if it’s free, most consumers are not willing to wait more than 7 days for shipping. eTailers should clearly communicate both the shipping costs and the timeline during the checkout process to ensure customer satisfaction.

5 Steps to Make Customers Happy

Steps 3 and 4: Provide Delivery and Tracking InformationOnce the order has been confirmed and money has changed hands, consumers want to know EXACTLY when their merchandise is scheduled for delivery, where it is during each of the fulfillment and shipping processes. For many consumers, one of the most frustrating parts of online shopping is hovering over or repeatedly checking the mail box waiting for their package to arrive. In fact, it has been shown that 62% of online shoppers expect to be given an estimated or guaranteed delivery date at checkout. Has the order been picked and packed? Is it waiting at the dock or in transit? This is all information that your customers want to know! Therefore it is essential eTailers provide consumers with order tracking information to ensure customer satisfaction.Step 5: Keep Shipping Costs Low (and Preferably Free)When it comes to shipping costs online consumers compare shipping costs almost as closely as they compare the actual costs of the merchandise they are looking to purchase. Customers are more likely to reward an eTailer with repeat business when they can offer discounts and specials that include free or low cost shipping. According to the research referenced in the infographic, 82% of consumers expect to see free shipping options when they’re checking out.One of the greatest challenges faced by e-Commerce retailers is the task of getting the right products to the right customer in the right amount of time and at the right cost in order to ensure customer satisfaction. Fortunately, what may seem like a challenge for an eTailer becomes a welcome opportunity for Rakuten Super Logistics.One of the biggest obstacles to growth for many e-Commerce businesses is the ability to scale and grow their operations. When you outsource your warehouse, shipping and fulfillment services you eliminate the ongoing costs and headaches of storage, fulfillment and shipping. To find out how to ensure customer satisfaction by partnering with Rakuten Super Logistics, call 866-955-7793 or email for a free shipping consultation today.

Learn how to ensure customer satisfaction with the Rakuten Super Logistics Secret Formula for Happy CustomersA happy customer is a win-win for every business. As business and competition in the e-Commerce realm increases, eTailers committed to customer satisfaction will stand a greater chance of being rewarded with success. Happy customers become brand evangelists, who provide free advertising and marketing via word-of-mouth reviews both on- and off-line. In addition, going above and beyond a customer’s expectations is one of the best ways to maximize profits with increased average order volume and repeat business. No matter how you look at it – the best thing for your business is to ensure customer satisfaction.Rakuten Super Logistics, formerly Webgistix, has put together a simple visual tool that underscores the importance of shipping and fulfillment when it comes to customer satisfaction. Here are five easy steps to ensure customer satisfaction:Step 1: Pick and Pack Orders CorrectlyFrom an eTailer’s point of view, shipping and fulfillment may logically be the last thing on their mind. To be fair, by the time a customer gets to the checkout cart the eTailer has already successfully sourced, priced, promoted and merchandised his product offering in a manner that motivated the customer to choose his store from hundreds, if not thousands, of businesses. While fulfillment and shipping logistics may seem like the easy part, one mistake can destroy the benefits of all your hard work. When it comes to order accuracy, most online shoppers leave zero margin for error. In fact, studies have shown that 29% of e-Consumers will never buy from an eCommerce merchant again if they receive an incorrect order.Step 2: Provide Fast DeliveryWhile there has been much commentary about our culture of impatience and the seemingly all-consuming need for instant gratification – most shoppers are used to making purchases in-person and walking out the door with their new merchandise. The best way for online merchants to compete with immediate delivery offered by brick and mortar stores is to provide fast delivery options, like overnight or 2-Day ground shipping.There is a direct correlation between shipping costs and the amount of time a consumer is willing to wait. Research has shown that 82% of consumers have abandoned an eCommerce shopping cart because, in their opinion, the time they were required to wait was too long for the price they were asked to pay. The lower the costs, the longer a consumer will be willing to wait. However, even if it’s free, most consumers are not willing to wait more than 7 days for shipping. eTailers should clearly communicate both the shipping costs and the timeline during the checkout process to ensure customer satisfaction.

5 Steps to Make Customers Happy

Steps 3 and 4: Provide Delivery and Tracking InformationOnce the order has been confirmed and money has changed hands, consumers want to know EXACTLY when their merchandise is scheduled for delivery, where it is during each of the fulfillment and shipping processes. For many consumers, one of the most frustrating parts of online shopping is hovering over or repeatedly checking the mail box waiting for their package to arrive. In fact, it has been shown that 62% of online shoppers expect to be given an estimated or guaranteed delivery date at checkout. Has the order been picked and packed? Is it waiting at the dock or in transit? This is all information that your customers want to know! Therefore it is essential eTailers provide consumers with order tracking information to ensure customer satisfaction.Step 5: Keep Shipping Costs Low (and Preferably Free)When it comes to shipping costs online consumers compare shipping costs almost as closely as they compare the actual costs of the merchandise they are looking to purchase. Customers are more likely to reward an eTailer with repeat business when they can offer discounts and specials that include free or low cost shipping. According to the research referenced in the infographic, 82% of consumers expect to see free shipping options when they’re checking out.One of the greatest challenges faced by e-Commerce retailers is the task of getting the right products to the right customer in the right amount of time and at the right cost in order to ensure customer satisfaction. Fortunately, what may seem like a challenge for an eTailer becomes a welcome opportunity for Rakuten Super Logistics.One of the biggest obstacles to growth for many e-Commerce businesses is the ability to scale and grow their operations. When you outsource your warehouse, shipping and fulfillment services you eliminate the ongoing costs and headaches of storage, fulfillment and shipping. To find out how to ensure customer satisfaction by partnering with Rakuten Super Logistics, call 866-955-7793 or email for a free shipping consultation today.


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Your eCommerce business has big potential– we know how to fulfill it. Talk to our team today.

  • 77% of U.S. respondents stated that they would absolutely give repeat business to a retailer who resends lost or damaged items with fast shipping.

  • We guarantee to fulfill orders 100% accurately within 1 business day, every time. We always keep it flawless so your growth is endless.