Packaging strategies in e-commerce fulfillment

Multiple research shows how profitable and powerful a good product packaging design strategy can be. Within the last couple of years, there has been a shift in how consumers view the importance of packaging.According to Tubefilter, YouTube unboxing videos get an estimated 10 billion views monthly, indicating the growing importance of good packaging. As such, product customization has become one of the most important and recent changes in consumer behavior.

Brand perception of packaging

Packaging plays a major role in brand perception, which is why more and more customers are saying that good packaging is "what gets them more excited about receiving the package" and "makes the brand seem more upscale." It also influences word of mouth marketing, with 40 percent of shoppers saying that they are more likely to recommend a product to a friend if it came with a gift-like or premium packaging.

The impact on customer experience

With the powerful impact that a good product packaging design strategy has on customers, it's clear that it has become a huge part of the customer experience. Although it may only catch the eye of your customer for a moment or two, it will frame how they view and talk about the product for a long time afterward.The influence of packaging depends largely on the type of product being shipped. Obviously, the packaging of luxury goods has more of an effect on customers than that for household goods.

Influence repeat purchases

Since using premium packaging for luxury goods makes customers more likely to order again, it's clearly a worthwhile investment to invest in better packaging. While high-volume dealers in luxury products can take advantage of costly innovations, as a low-volume seller, you can pinch pennies and still blow your customers away.Let's take a look at various tactics to improve your packaging without breaking your budget.


Color remains a simple, yet effective way to creatively improve your product packaging design strategy. There are numerous ways to use color to alter and improve the perception that customers have of your products. For instance, you could package products using a standard box that closely matches that of your brand's signature color, not just on the outside, but on the inside as well. You could also extend the concept by ensuring that the colors of your order form, product label, insert card, tissue wrap and ribbon match up.

Custom box (stamped imprints)

Although many online retailers believe that making a custom box is expensive, you can actually "print" customized boxes yourself using custom stamps. Most 5-by-5-inch-wide custom stamps with text and art costs less than $100.Pressing these stamps onto a standard cardboard box turns it into a custom box. You can also make a custom box by creatively using standard or roller stamps.


The use of inserts is one of the best, yet affordable ways to improve your packaging, influence brand loyalty, facilitate word-of-mouth marketing and entice customers to increase the size and volume of orders. You could redesign your business card as an insert or use the handwritten note tactic, a trend that's successful and quite popular with a lot of online retailers. Print out a couple of hundred at a time and handwrite custom code(s) as needed.


Strategically using stickers can improve your product packaging design strategy. Stickers can be used as custom packaging tool. They simultaneously seal and increase the appeal of a plain box. However, you should make sure that you use the correct write-up.

Quality control to ensure customer satisfaction

Before you use these ideas to send out a large order or make them a permanent part of your brand, it's a good idea to test them out. Mail your preferred custom packaging idea to people you know and ask them for feedback.You should also check the durability of your custom packages.  After going to the extra effort and cost of custom packaging, it would be a shame for it to be crumpled or damaged in transit leaving a bad impression with your customer.Packaging has become much more than just a fulfillment function. It's now a core part of the customer experience. By using cost reduction strategies to produce inexpensive custom packaging, you can enjoy the same results as your high-volume competitors with much larger budgets.

Multiple research shows how profitable and powerful a good product packaging design strategy can be. Within the last couple of years, there has been a shift in how consumers view the importance of packaging.According to Tubefilter, YouTube unboxing videos get an estimated 10 billion views monthly, indicating the growing importance of good packaging. As such, product customization has become one of the most important and recent changes in consumer behavior.

Brand perception of packaging

Packaging plays a major role in brand perception, which is why more and more customers are saying that good packaging is "what gets them more excited about receiving the package" and "makes the brand seem more upscale." It also influences word of mouth marketing, with 40 percent of shoppers saying that they are more likely to recommend a product to a friend if it came with a gift-like or premium packaging.

The impact on customer experience

With the powerful impact that a good product packaging design strategy has on customers, it's clear that it has become a huge part of the customer experience. Although it may only catch the eye of your customer for a moment or two, it will frame how they view and talk about the product for a long time afterward.The influence of packaging depends largely on the type of product being shipped. Obviously, the packaging of luxury goods has more of an effect on customers than that for household goods.

Influence repeat purchases

Since using premium packaging for luxury goods makes customers more likely to order again, it's clearly a worthwhile investment to invest in better packaging. While high-volume dealers in luxury products can take advantage of costly innovations, as a low-volume seller, you can pinch pennies and still blow your customers away.Let's take a look at various tactics to improve your packaging without breaking your budget.


Color remains a simple, yet effective way to creatively improve your product packaging design strategy. There are numerous ways to use color to alter and improve the perception that customers have of your products. For instance, you could package products using a standard box that closely matches that of your brand's signature color, not just on the outside, but on the inside as well. You could also extend the concept by ensuring that the colors of your order form, product label, insert card, tissue wrap and ribbon match up.

Custom box (stamped imprints)

Although many online retailers believe that making a custom box is expensive, you can actually "print" customized boxes yourself using custom stamps. Most 5-by-5-inch-wide custom stamps with text and art costs less than $100.Pressing these stamps onto a standard cardboard box turns it into a custom box. You can also make a custom box by creatively using standard or roller stamps.


The use of inserts is one of the best, yet affordable ways to improve your packaging, influence brand loyalty, facilitate word-of-mouth marketing and entice customers to increase the size and volume of orders. You could redesign your business card as an insert or use the handwritten note tactic, a trend that's successful and quite popular with a lot of online retailers. Print out a couple of hundred at a time and handwrite custom code(s) as needed.


Strategically using stickers can improve your product packaging design strategy. Stickers can be used as custom packaging tool. They simultaneously seal and increase the appeal of a plain box. However, you should make sure that you use the correct write-up.

Quality control to ensure customer satisfaction

Before you use these ideas to send out a large order or make them a permanent part of your brand, it's a good idea to test them out. Mail your preferred custom packaging idea to people you know and ask them for feedback.You should also check the durability of your custom packages.  After going to the extra effort and cost of custom packaging, it would be a shame for it to be crumpled or damaged in transit leaving a bad impression with your customer.Packaging has become much more than just a fulfillment function. It's now a core part of the customer experience. By using cost reduction strategies to produce inexpensive custom packaging, you can enjoy the same results as your high-volume competitors with much larger budgets.

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