Webgistix recently took part in a series of seminars run by eBay in China and Hong Kong for Chinese retailers interested in shipping to the US. International commerce is a rising trend, and one that’s accelerated by the growth of online communication. Doing business internationally is now easier than ever, not only for those in others countries to business in the US, but also vice-versa. Reaching across borders with international shipping allows eCommerce retailers to diversify and bolster their base of potential customers.
You can view part of the video presentation here: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzA1NDgwNDM2.html
How has international eCommerce affected your business?
Webgistix recently took part in a series of seminars run by eBay in China and Hong Kong for Chinese retailers interested in shipping to the US. International commerce is a rising trend, and one that’s accelerated by the growth of online communication. Doing business internationally is now easier than ever, not only for those in others countries to business in the US, but also vice-versa. Reaching across borders with international shipping allows eCommerce retailers to diversify and bolster their base of potential customers.
You can view part of the video presentation here: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzA1NDgwNDM2.html
How has international eCommerce affected your business?