5 Easy Ways to Lose Customers

No one wants to lose customers. But in a competitive environment, the smallest slip can do just that. In fact, 29 percent of customers will not order from an online store again if just one order is incorrect. This statistic and others are included in this infographic from RSL (formerly Webgistix), an online fulfillment company, which breaks down the easiest ways to earn a customer’s loyalty or lose it forever through shipping and delivery errors.


Read More:http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/230090#ixzz2mQrCxbWr

No one wants to lose customers. But in a competitive environment, the smallest slip can do just that. In fact, 29 percent of customers will not order from an online store again if just one order is incorrect. This statistic and others are included in this infographic from RSL (formerly Webgistix), an online fulfillment company, which breaks down the easiest ways to earn a customer’s loyalty or lose it forever through shipping and delivery errors.


Read More:http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/230090#ixzz2mQrCxbWr

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